Guth & Tuairim, Eanáir 1982

The Binder of Fal.more 12 (by James Trearty, KUmacloo, Creeslough) When cold October sizzLy blasts lett fields and furrows bare, One evening as I wandered out to take a breath of air. I tur~d home with a broken heart my feet were getting sore, For I stumbled over a Binder that vas useless in Falmore. I~ !~T! Q!~!~->.,.."J.""'ee..., . ..........,T""'ell!P,_l~ i C,Q._~~-_Agricultural Society. BQ pa~:es, Softbaclc, Ir. £l.z5, As is obvious from the title the book has been issued to conunemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the best known co-operative in the north""'olest. It is an excellent means of commemorating this important milestone in the history of a venture which has gone from strength to strength. There is a man ot note and tame in the town of Ballina, He is a strict teetotaller and upholder of the law. He bought a modern binder from a farmer down in Cork, It was shipped across the ocean from a firm in New York. The farmer's talk is cheap but what they don't know I do, I read the "Farmer's Journal" and I know a thing or two. The book is a hotchpotch. A collection of pieces which are interesting individually. A collection of photographs of the staff, some old pictures,add– resses made at the jubilee celebrations and a gather– ing of historical material all add up to form a bizarre work. The book is reminiscent. It brings the 11 Cope" to mind. It has it 1 s pieces higgled;y– piggled;y throughout the Rosses like the material in the book. I know the reaper's out of date and the size we do ignore, It lets us know what state the "Cope" is in to-day. It is the biggest employer in the Rosses. It has lost much of it's agricultural base and has sought to serve the ·growing affluence of it's clientele. Let us hope that when the time comes to celebrate So I send this "modern" binder to the farmer in Falmore. James Trearty who wrote this poem is a resident of the Nursing Home in Falcarragh.He is a prolific poet and we hope to feature more the centinar;y of the "Cope", a major work dealing with all aspects of the 11 Cope" will appear. The day they got the Binder it vas sorrowful to see, As they wrestled with that monster down on Patrick Duffy's lee. When they put the Binder into gear it wouldn't cut at all, So it's just another nuisance that was sent to Donegal. Many a stormy night has passed and sultry Summer morning, Since that machine came down the gap to cut the people's corn. The goats and sheep are wondering from their hannts on Crocatee, As they gaze upon that monster on Patrick Dutt,r's lee. To get that Binder shifted is a puzzle now for you, of his work. FURNITURE SHOWROOMS STRAND"ROAD FALCARRAGH Telephone 35161 ......... QUALITY USED FURNITURE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES While not wishing to take from the importance of the material on the "Co:e_e 11 as it stands I think we must admit that P8draig 0 Cnaimhsf 1 s essay vas the most enjoyable section. I used the word essay as his name appears with only one of the history pieces. I think that he is also responsible for the piece on the Templecrone Mill Book and also Snippets from early history. If it were he, it is rather a pity he vas not given credit for his efforts. Anybody interested in the Rosses in the 2oth. century should read 5 Cnaimhsi". He has a pleasant style and is absorbing reading. The book has whetted our appetite for both an authorative history of the "Cope" and Padraig Ua Cnaimhsf's work on the Rosses. MaitiU 6 Murchii, Loch an Iiiir, Anagaire, The only way is build a bridge and cross by Kilmacloo. So they sent that urgent message down to friends in Ba.ll;yaore Dining Room SuHes Sitting Room Suites Chest of Drawers - China Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets - Wardrobes - Fireside Chain Sideboards - Double and Single leds - Gas Cookers - A limited number of Woollen Blankets. Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and ·Saturday. A Chara, I vou~d be gratefUl if you could get the words of the song "Mo Chail1n Rua" for me. and they send wooden girders tor the viaduct at Fenore. You farmers all both great and small God rest you Patrick DuffY froa every glen and nook, Hise le meas, Hrs A. Rodgers. Eagarthoir: Can any of our readers help? Nevsflash - Candy has struck oil in Meenbanad. and God rest you Seamus More, Now sow your corn with your hand Whose bones are now mouldering and shear it with a hook. Did B. think it vas J. and A. on the back seat? by ancient Cashelaore, T'was done by famoUs Neil Me Bride It you only were aliTe today t'vas done by S~8lDUS Mor, your grief you couldn 1 t hide, And vhat they have done you can do To see that crippled Binder in the green br~s of Fa.lJIIore. lying by the riverside ~--------..:.....---------l ------------'There is no title on this article b9cs.use I can't think of one. Dear folks and gentle people what a start to the year ! In case you haven 1 t noticed we had our annual season of peace and goodwill since last issue. That was last year of course. Goodvill how are you ! If you accept that the first eleven months of 1981 brought us galloping inflation the Christmas season must have brought us at least high altitude economics. That vas only to decorate the Christmas tree. As for- shh ••• you know who comes down the chimney he must be hand in glove vith the taxman. If you are still laughing think about tbisl It probably cost more to get the average family through the Christmas season this year than the price of a good car ten years ago. It you are At1ll laughing wait till you see the Bank Manager. So the end of 1981 vas no great shakes. Nevertheless cheery souls that we are we looked forward to a bright and prosperous new year. In comes 1982 and the weather would freeze 8.n Eskimo. Some places even had snow. So they kept telling us on R.T.E..... and telling us and telling us, etc. Even 1-fr O'leary's usually reliable forecast of gloom failed to spot the impending storm. The Government, canny souls that they are didn't let the hour by them as they say. They "took" the E.E,C. for the price of a couple of Knock airports. It's true what . j 0 ... §' they say - there's no business like show-busi ness. Or mar a duirt an sean-fhocal 1 never a door closes but another ~ opens. The "door" in this case vas the Fianna Fail Party. True to form they were determi ned not to be outdone by Garret the Gown (didn't he look well in it), A Mr }le Creevy made a Charlie of Mr Haughey and yes folks Mr Haughey made a Charlie of Mr Me Creevy. Mr Me (; vas superb as the "fall guyt' (Note: Those of my readers who are not familiar vith fall guy's -well he · is the lad who gets the custard pie in the face. Right? Right.) Meanwhile Mick O'Leary of the belated forecast vas doing his best to keep the country rolling -with laughter. Yes, good people take your hats off to them, they provide the nation with entertainment and amusement - free of charge (Bruton who?). I sincerely hope to cheer you up no end next month with news-views of Mr Brutal 1 s brutal "budgie". In the meantime remember - a Yoman who marries money is usualLy faithful to it. Right on ladies! \