Goitse, Aibreán 1979

2~ Continued f'rom page 1. We think this paper is f:Oint..; to be a success because we b e liev e that you will back it, not alone by buying it but by taking an active part in the paper itself. Th ere is a wealth o ~' talent in this area, writers, poets, cartoonists, etc., and we hope t h ey' 11 s rab t: h.is opporturi i ty to exp1·ess t1-1ernse l ves. Each and evP.ry one of U8 is r, ood at so >ie t h ing, r.1aybe you are an au ~.; : j ority on far .linr: or m t be the E.11.S. or ,;1ay be you can w2 ite brilliant poe t ry. How is your cLance, so 1 )ut 1 rnn t o pa]Jer. : laybe t 1 iere is so,·1et: ing hap pening locally that t1ispleases you - why not voice your opinion on L1e da ~ er. \~rite to us and 1 ;e-c it of i' 1our chest. We hope to discuss an:l con t roversial :-:iatters t h at interest the public bu :_, we i"ope alwa ys to present tl£ truth - even if' the trut h hurts. We also h ope to provide useful reading,entertainn ent and some useless reading . Articles, etc., on any subject would be most welcome, especially letters and we '11 2~ ive a £1 prize for the b est letter 1 n•inted every issue. (And i f ;rou don't want y ou1' nar.w printe d we will wi thold it b y request.) If you <·:ant to criticize "GUTH ( ; TUAIRDI 11 t h en go right a l:i.ead, we don 1 t ;-.1ind a t all. l·!e hope to provide a public service with this pa_Jer but it's success d upends entire l;r on you. We hope you'll enjoy Issue One and that this is the start of a lasting relationship. And re;ie il1b er " GU':'H ~. L·, J:'UAIJIH 11 is your pap er. M_O_I_O_BJ_NG_ \Te can bl ume the Arabs, we can bla:1e the Ayali tollah blit no matter wb ere we la:r the blarrie we have to face the fact t h at petrol will never again be cheap, but will continue to rise in price so t hat we'll have to be riore and more careful hovr we use it. With a li t tle c ommon sense we can all do our bit to achieve more M.P. rr. and therefore make tha l £ Punt go further. Below, I I 11 give / OU a rew tips:- 1. Don't drive at high speeds. When you double your s ~ eed,your car has to overcome four times as much wind resistance. If p ossible always drive at a steady pace. 2. Accelerate moderately. Rapid acceleration can cause 6% extra consumption. J. When you are waiting for someone - switch off the ignition. 4. Keep tyre pre ssures correct. If' your tyres are underinflated you c ould use up to 6% more p etrol. 5. Replace filters, points and plugs r,egularly as recommended by the manufacturer. By 11 \'!hizz Kid':