Guth & Tuairim, Meitheamh/Iuil 1982

T c llu) . The Dance Hall Cowboy. 1 Mr. x. ,. .uet' s ga .. old turf tire, He stands t here vi th a t i xed enarl, 1 K-'(( 0 :::{' 1f Thie night ot vllld aud cold, A cigarette hanging troa his lip and s belly like a beer barrel, And feel again the pulee ot l ow His Scotch I: White ii in his lert pav, That warmed t hie hearth ot old. Hi right hand tree tor a real tast draw. We' 11 llake a ring around the blaze Ae in the d8)"8 nov gone, When the ketti. ~n it's sooted hook ang out i te cheeri'ul. eong. Let'• tell those happy storiee or days so long gone b;yw, When ve vere young and tl1ll ot tnn And cloudless vas our sty. So till the kettle up again, And l eave the table spread, For tr-ienda who'll collle aga1rneal yet, Looking tough, he vinds hie way to the toilet door, Bothe~ him iii any vq and he' 11 make you pa;y - with you he' 11 wipe the noor. I don t think he ia wry smart, leaning against the pillar like that. Girls to him. are onl7 a bother, He is wishing a tight would start, so someone, he could clobber, So many scar e he bears vi t h pri de, When the dancing starts he moves u ide. He nner seems t o l augh or have any fun, as far as I can di s cern I hope, the va;y to happiness, before it' s too late, he learns. ' Before the night 1a dead. Mo1'9 Birthdiq's. Country Quten Ve' ll make them Tel')' welcome, Madge Mo Fadden, Calhame (21) June 8. The way ve used to do, Philip Greene, Dancioe (16). PHILOMENA BEGLEY They'll V&Dder in and settle down, Jo Jo Gallagher, (4) hne 27. And tell us all that's new, Anne Mc Fadden, (18) June 25. Then many a yarn vill be spun, Pau.1.ine Mc Fadden, (l 'J) June 22. And llllJl1 a stoey t old, l'rantie Mc Fadden, (20) Jwie 28. "' OSTAN NA ROSANN Ot ghost s and wailing banshees, K6ra He l'adden, (17) June 29. That' d llake your blood run cold. Aine Bf Ghallcheir,Gort a Choirce(I) So put a pandy on the turt, Throw in a lock o 1 ta;y, June 29 TUES. JULY 6 11 • 2 Why does J. alvq11 about •pt 'ea lads•, nery tllie a fight atarta. Don't bother vith the tancy pot, For it 1 s better aade this wa;r. We'll watch the water bubbling up ·-.......,-~ Dliler lesses s What turf-cutter ate a whole loaf T Wb7 And sizzle o'er the top, Then see the tea-leuee tuabling, 1111--u.-"' di4 the iurt atack tall T Rev did .line &: P. get on and did D. aouse P. after D. butted in. And hear the droplets plop. ti Why did Padd7 B. stop going te the Pier on Sat 0 nighta T 00 Dan Cassie vu duappo111~ vben he did not know M.D. And before the night ia emir, IIe 1 ll kneel down e Tery one, To sq again th! rosary, As our parents would have done. We'll pray tor all our li\tle needs, Well known to God abow, vu going t• Inock. Jfartia had a big nicht vith .3 French girla down in Carricktinn. Where does .A.,.McBo go 111 the even1nga thu weather T Patricia u 111 love with a Trial bike. That aade our taaily happy, And our home a place of lon. What vere Beraard M., Martin Mc r., c. He D. and Hughie Mc B. do1ng with crabs one Sundq T •Cheerio Sir - Why i8 J'usz ao cool T aee ;you again Who did Swan aail ia the Anchor 2 S BEDROOMED next ;rear• What did the Bubie aq to Maggie T HOUSE TO LET Vu levin thrilled when tae blonde stood behind ""' \o hia 111 the B7dr• T ~~ ~ Dugloe &: Annagry got together again. '-'· · Sierra l still going to the Port. in KINCASSLAGH on Iona term basis. Phone Dublin 01 437887 What party vas ran-sacked 111 Falc,. T Did Doalt 7 •ap et the difference• in tllie, asks F, D&JIJl3' M., F. or l:illTbegs. Which one T Will Tim be in tovn more now ? Thu i• a apecial aention tor Sheila c. who reads t hu paper eYery aonth • Youth i• aueh a vollderi'ul. thine, it's a pity it'• Swaier vaeted on the youmc - G.B.Shaw. Cup .A.ttentien - Glen girla. Ioa.r phote didn't cOM out. Serey. Kora, Grace, .lnnette, Ma.17, Martiaa, Breid and ~ia aq •Hello•. -,r--------....:.--.:..--;...;;.....;;;;;.;..____________ -1 --i.A-1 GUESS WHO? SOON What happelled en l'ri. night between DJ!.S. and Charlie Mc G. T l.Big Pile DOW Alm. 2.Lol'll& u too dassliJlc ter Mark. He needs the cJ,usea ~ • .3.Thia lot cert~ leok hapPJ'. 4.Betore •••• 5.Theae bo71 look lib tbq•.,. Hen a •l'll&id. 6.Tbe tall ones at tbe 'back ••• tae aaall. oaaa at. troat.. 7Jlbeila u a big llit with the la;rll o 8. • •. and atter• CJ Jlports dq o-var vinaera. 10.•Hi tbaN, we're Charlie's Angels•. u. Would Breege recopiae Bcldi• aovT 12.•Beuo•. 13.Conall No F. ahov1nc ot f h1a doubl e vheela. U,.Th1a girl'• boytrieJld bu a heart ot stone. 15. lfa!7 &: ,..ang trhnda. 16.Cbeeae. 17.Wbo ia t.ll1a aaint~ 7ounpter T 18.Rock n 1 Rollel'11. 19.Brendall ag caiat lea& gbri. 20. Street eatertaiaer. 21.Jlaghie palling taces. giraeachaf" ag ithe ice-lelliea. 23.:rootball tanat.ica. 24.Trioia &: I.aasie. 25.leidb claoi.DM aa Bi.ago. 26.Saile - you Just go lite th1a. 27.Benaie aodelling the late~ taahioa - the •vet loGk 8 • 28. Hade•· 29.Mdie G. - caught bJ' 8tll'prue iD Galvq• .30~• lfa!7• )l.I don't Jcaow thia tellw, 'tRlt ask Margaret J.I. 32.Goiag to the•" tba boytriud• .33.Diaco-l>aacer. 34~ The cbe~at tera ot tl'd8port• .35...... tic~ 36. lideedl&U• .37.De.. D 1 t alle leek wllo 38.Pat &: YOUC friends • .)9.llargant :r. vitll all her •dala ter dqing. 40. Cor bl1aq - ve'n c•inc te be 1a tbe paper. Vho waed tJae boat to Iniafreo because ot her neck J Who u Ireland'• auwer te Jean Jet (P. Sv.) What black cv~ hai.Nd bG7 tr• M. vu babJ'... natchag in Gl.entiea T • When d1cl Donna get her ti.rat tooth ? ~~M~o-re--:l~o~i-ae~iia~ • ....;;;-------------------------------– ~ Patricia B. agu Padd7 D. ; Beraadette ~ ~leeJ lll Maureen B. ague the Pope; Aue agu TU..,-; PanlJ.Jle D. agwi J... s r.; Marg&1'9t F. agua Jotm C. ; Maga D 0 acu– B Pian.a c., l\Jd1a ague Phil. ~-i ~~ Ctl .t~ ""' J" .ai !t :!,... ts Oireachtas 1 Uladh i nGaoth Dobhair 9U, 1Ou, 11u IUil, 1982 Ta cl&r na gCOllOrtaia! qua each eolaa le tau o Rina! : Maire Mhic Nialluis, Arus Cholmcille, Guthan: An Bun Beag 64 Ard na gCeapairi, Na Doiri Beaga.