Guth & Tuairim, Meán Fómhair 1981

STARRY'S NEW FRIENDD. Scial do l'hAistr - le Jpe Carr (Jnr.) FAJ.carrach. 10 "I' m getting a nw pony today, 11 said Pauline 1 s Daddy to her one afternoon. Pauline' s Daddy owned a lot of horses and ponies, he trained them for shO'II-riding and shO'II-jumping. Pauline was very fond of the ponie's. She'd go for rides on them and feed and groom them. In return, the ponies were very fond of their young mistress, and would do as she told them. "Oh, Daddy, I do hope he's as nice as all the others 1" cried Pauline when she heard the news. Late that evening, a large truck arrived at the stables with the new pony. "What a beauty! 11 exclaimed Pauline when she saw the lovely pony being taken down off the truck. He was indeed a beauty. He was all black and had a white star on his forehead. Thus hiS name -Starry. Pauline fell in love with him right away. Once the truck was gone, Pauline and her Daddy led Starry to his new stable. 11 He looks very unhappy though - lonesome looking••• taken away perhaps from his brothers and sisters •••• "said Pauline feeling sympathetic for the young pony. He looked so innocent and lonely. . "When he's fed and has a good rest, he'll be O.K., 11 said Pauline's Daddy. But Starry did not eat much that evening. He was away from his mm home, in new surroundings •• new stable ••• and new 0'\lners. Each time Pauline or her Daddy would speak Starry would look up at them and listen. He knew that they were strange voices. When they'd stroke him gently he'd sniff at their clothes. 11 Perhaps it's a drink he wants, 11 said Pauline's Daddy. So Pauline made him a beautiful drink of bran.- He drank it, but was still restless and unsettled. 11 I think he's lonely," exclaimed PaUline. "He's wanting to be back with his brothers and sisters and friends again". 11 We will leave. him for the night ••he will settle dO'IIn when he gets used to .the place and sees all the other ponies tomorr0'11, 11 said Pauline's Daddy as he began to lock up the stable. "Good night -poor Starry," said Pauline in tears. Next morning, when Pauline got up, she noticed that Cindy the barn-kitten was missing. She searched and searched everywhere she thought it possible for Cindy to be -but Cindy was not to be found. "It's rather strange," remarked Pauline. 11 She always came for her milk every morning • 11 "Some dog may have chased her, 11 replied Pauline' s Daddy as he went down to the stables to feed the horses and ponies. Pauline went along with him to see if.Starry had settled in his new home. They went to his stable first ••• Pauline was first to go in - and she got a surprise 1 Starry didn't take the least notice of her. He was too busy whickering gently over Cindy who was asleep in Starry's manger. "So this is where Cindy is," cried Pauline. 11 I knew Starry was lonely- but he won't be any longer. He has a nice animal friend to keep him company' • 11 Pauline was right. It was animal company he was needing and Cindy enjoyed it as well. It wasn't long until Starry found that he had another great friend - Pauline 1 Now with two great friends, that's all Starry needed to be happy! THE END. Black spot Well, well, well! Black Spot has received a black mark for missing the last issue. Least said, soonest mended. We return to Cloich Cheann Fhaola this month and drive out of Falcarrach tO'\Iards Gort a' Choirce. Going down the hill from the main street we find a bridge crossing the river, and OOFS - the bridge pillar on the left side •••••••At night, headlights coming towards you, wet road •••• you know ! There is no warning whatsoever. So how about our usual temporary scapegoat, the yellow & black reflective stripes. Now folks it's that time of the year again, so more armbands please. And if you're driving -do drive on the left hand side of the road. 11 The Wheeln. The Value of a Smile. It costs nothing but creates much. It enriches those who receive without ~overishing those who give. None are so well off that they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in business, and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sw'lShine to the sad, and nature's best remedy for trouble. • Yet it c~~ot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good t 0 any– body until it is given away. To smile then is to look at others with the eyes of Christ. To know how to love them and smile at them, through our tears if need be, is to breathe in advance the atmosphere of Heaven. le - 11 ! 1a.ry Stewart 11 • For Sale Empiral Knitmaster & Patterns Contact: Eileen Gallagher, Middletown, Derrybeg. C.B. Verse Brown Eagle thinks he knows me, Lazerbeam i s very sad, Riggy always knew me, Juke Box is going mad. Foxtrot India Charlie Kilo it, As Juke Box enters town, To f ind the mwstery lady, He would give a t housand pounds . Sierra One went near i t, He nearly found me out, As for the BrQ'\In Eagle, He's still touring about. High Flyer was doing ·80 Gweedore Celtic foot ball t eam in the mi d 70's ~ere are they now? As I went to the Hi with Sean, But the fellow who stayed on 18 He was the cl ever guy s.o. Ho\1 many toe 1 s did Martin break? Who can kni t and watch T.V. and hold a conver sation at the one t i me? Is her name Mary or Tina? . cb What happened Pointman when he wasn' t in Storyland on Sun 23rd - or . di d B.B. let him down?. Which boy in the 5th year has Ann M. high on his l i st? Brown Eagle shouts on cheerfully As Pointsman gets out of bed, As for Blue Eyes and w.s. They' re nearly away in the head. ,,. \