Guth & Tuairim, Bealtaine 1979

cE,N BHLIAN, cE,N AIT, CE H-IAD NA FIR. ********~~******* BUNE1lH 1 i~R HAN 3U2S SiiA:-1 OF I RAN The crack was good at the OLD rum S:::!:I·!IT Club the other nir;ht. !1any' words of doubtful origin and certain connotation being used. Jack the Pipe maintained that no more than fourteen gallons of pig slurry would heat any seven radiators by the Bio-Thermal method. Gerry the Curl disagreed naturally as was his wont and insisted that a slice of . the said pig was allri ght with a couple of hen fruit any morning but that ~as as near as he v1an:ted to be related to them ••• the Pigs. As far as he was concerned Jack the Pipe was· talls:'ing aload of pig droppings. Which comffient Jack took to be a compliment. Such friendly banter prevailed into the early hours of the rwrnine; to the accompaniment of many small but potent glasses and much tobacco smoke • . Surveyi ng the s cene, the innocent onlook e r would have deserved a pardon if he thoucht the major problems of the World had been solved at last. The r.Six North Eastern Counties of Ireiand might ve r y likely have been annexed by Donega l County Council ~ith Gerry Fitt as High King . The Pun-t (Money not Boat, silly) could have increased in value to two hundred and ,twenty old pennies from Heaven a sthor. (Imagine Wellworth of Derry selling framed originals of the Pound Sterling for f i fty-four and a h alf New Pence e·ach or two f or a Punt.) Q9N E_GAL CQ·9~~,~~~1]VE;~ a g 9 nt: .Anthony o Donnell & Sons • Annacr y ;2 . At the RED SEEIT Club nobody cared, and what's more if Paddy Machree dared to do a dance on behalf of the Boruerside traders he would have 'been jacked out the door for his trouble. No one even mentioned the fact t!~at the Black Bear of Uganda who in 1971 gave the for mer Fresiden~ Milton Cbote the shove, was now cornered which ~ an apt enough place for an ex-ch~~pion of Ugandan boxing to be ••• cornered I mean. No one even mentioned it. The fact that Jim 0 1 Donnell was doing well as an "Opel Nan" mentioned and someone said t h at an Opel in t he hand ,,,·as cood as two Ford I s in the back garden. neports ereinating from Upper Dore suggest t hat Cormack Og Breslin is really 0etting into the swing with his new shop. Other rumours abound t hat a well known Supermarketeer i s considering branching out in the direction of Brinlack. . There is no truth in t h e ugly rumour -· that John Diver and Johnny Gallaf.;her are get t ing enga ged. All membe~s at · the .OLD R::::;D ::r~:HT Club dep l ored t he spreading of .such rumour.s. Someone a sked ·wh ate ve r bec ame of Comhar dabhla but nobodv answered. Prince Philip of the Buck ins ham -Palace connec tiorur and ·t h e 'wil dli f e Pre;erva.tior1 r acket is not as reported coming to Carr .ic f in to declare t he area a '.Iildlife Sane t uary, it seems the Fiini ster An t ua s. 6 Gallach6ir deni ed the exis t ence of a r eport e d ~hite Elephant in t he area. Such we re t he chosen subjects for discussion a t the Ol d RED SSNIT Club the other night and long may they 1 r ema in so, f or as J ack t h e Pipe know~ iwell when t he coa l ships stop s a ilJmg 1 and t he oil \-lells run dr y , _when t h.,e 1Postmen are pen s ioned off and Radio na Gael tachta pl ays punk, the leaders of the World from Carter to Kaua.nda will turn for gui dance to the Old RED 3.~~1-:IT Club ·1ft. ~ -~ool..