Guth & Tuairim, Iúil 1980

pe: * .GUTH NA MBAN 1 WEDDING BououETs •* .. 9 BAKED BANANA ~;rTH ICE cREAM Sr LK.; I=EATHERELJ; etc Large Variety Available ( . CANCER (June 21 - July 20) You are called upon to make a decision ~ concerning your work. It would be ' · disastrcius for you not to think deeply ~bout this position. Ask,an exper~enced . person for their viEn-rs. lucky colour, 3 ozs. brown sugar, I pint orange juice, . -2 teaspoon mixed spice, Grated rind of half an orange, 1 oz. butter, 2 tablespoons sultanas, . ~:~:~~· .DJi.·, also ·(~\\ buTTONHOLES white. LEO (July 21 - Aug. 21) A stranger you may meet in the near future may not be all he seems. Do not take any chances~ Lucky date 14th! VIRGO (A ug • 22 - Sept~ 22) You may not. have been very hosbitabfe towards~ . a certain friend or relation. , It would be ~ · to your advantage to entertain this person , as well as you can. You will probably enjoy · · , it as wellt Lucky colour - Brown :~ . LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) . • It is perfe.ctly understandable that you are . · feeling qui-te unwell lately. You should probably spend more time outside. Get , , , .. involved in outdoor sports. You are __ 3 tablespoons rum (optional), 6 bananas, One block vanilla ice cream. BuRTONPORT Peel the bananas, cut in half lengthwise and place in a flat ovenproof dish, previously buttered. Heat the. orange juice, brown sugar, sultanas, grated orange rind and butter all together until syrupy. Pour over the bananas. Bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven (425 deg. F, gas mark 7) and serve hot with the ice cream. If you are using the rum, heat it, set alight and pour over the pudding at the ~able. EOUSfHOLD HII\'TS guaranteed better healthl · - SCORPIO (Oct .23 - Nov. 22) (11; Never .peg shirts and blouses on the line from the You really do go throligh money fast! For · _ bottoni. The strain. on the ,top part is too nruch very little sacrifices during the year you · . and will wear out the bottom. A lways peg a:t the could go on a fabulous holiday with your _ shoulder. friends. Go on the way you're going and you'll On no account soak vegetables in cold water before be at home alone for your holidays~ It is cooking. It will only make them lose their worth all the saving. mineral salts. . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 20) 1 ~ ~uite often scorch marks can be removed by washing A sticky situ.ation which you have been trying · , in warm water and soap. Little more can be done, to avoid is fast coming to a head. Stop ~~ as it is the material which is damaged. White trying to avoid it and deal with it. Tqere ~~ G material can be bleached with peroxide. is important news on the way for you and the Silver, washed in hot soapy water; and then polished initial 'B' i~:~ . significantl well with a leather, will be bright and free from C.AFRICORN (Dec. 21 -Jan. 19) .. ~- ""~ scratches. Your financial situation is in a poor state ·~ at the moment so try to curb your instincts to ~·~ overspend. You will meet a new aquaintance · . , ' and it could prove to be an exciting · relationship on both sides. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19) WhY Cigarette Smoking Shou1d Be Discouraied Durini Gestation Women who smoke tend to have smaller babies than those who don~t and it is thought that smoking during the sixteenth week could cause mental and physical retardation dUring later childhood. 47 A little patience and understanding may be required of you towards a friend who is in a sensitive mood. You could find yourself becoming involved with people connected with music. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar. 20) A good recovery is indicated from some mishap * which has .happened recently. A friend may let -you down but this could bring about another event which could be more run. ~ ARIES (Mar. 2l - April 20) . - ~ rhis is a good time to consider an investment ~ Although smoking less than ten cigarettes a day might do little harm to the foetus it is probable that smoking causes lung cancer and other diseases and gestation is as good a time as any to stop. . Some women discover a dislike of cigarettes to be one of the earlier symptoms of gestation, being often associated with nausea and morning sickness. Excessive smoking can cause premature births and also cause your child to be later than usual in learning to walk, talk and read, and who wants that? M. 0 1 B. There may be a shock in store for you ~· ~ +> r------------------------. and you shouldn't hesitate to seek advice. ~.- .. ·. .·· ~ 1l concerning friends but you usually take t10 g shocks in your stride anyhow. · . . ;~· :>. TAURUS ( Apr. 21 -Hay 21) · +> A contact with an old friend turns out to be ,_,.. _ ~';I a very pleasant experience. Your financial ' ·· :J: 8 position is pretty good and you may, feel like · ._, · ~ :ll having a celebration. The dates 16th & 28th { , ' ~ ;J are lucky. · · +> GEMINI . (May 22 - June 21) ~ . .-~ All your hard work has been to someone else's. . . ..., ~ benefit and now it is your turn. A chance · , · :--- ' ~ :5 of promotion. could be well worth considering. . · ~ ~ You need a holiday to recuperate from overwork. · +> s:: . 0.14 Take things -easy for a while. - s:: Q) 'd'd GET'l'ING MARRIED? Treasure that day forever on a ;a -~ beautiful colour movie film. Details - Bunbeg 265. s:: ~ Ql;:i; . Rhubarb aDd Apple Jam t . Take equal quantities of w~hed and chopped rhubarb ~ 0 ~ and peeled and sliced apples. Weigh and·allow v l, lb. sugar to each lb. fruit~ Place ·fruit and ~ ;5 sugar in layers in a crock or lined basin. Cover and leave 24 hours. , Drain .off syrup into preserving pan. Add crushed root ginger tied in llllslin ( loz to each 4 lbs. fruit). Bri.J:Ig to a boil and boil 5· lliD8. .Add fruit aDd boil until jam will set when tested. Reaove eiaeer and~ot ,and seal. Ard Na. gCeapaire FISH & CHIFS CHICKEN & CHIPS BUNBURGERS .E.1' TAKEAWAY 10·30 am to 12·00pm Fresh fish available