Guth & Tuairim, Samhain 1980

-CBCBCBCBCBC.0013CBCBCBCBCB CBCBCBCBCBC.00.00.00OCBC.OOBCB 7 The next Jamboree is scheduled for early December, probably in the Lakeland 20. Nice to hear the Bluebird on the airwaves again after a lengthy lay-off. Hope he continues to modulate with all his good bUddies. The local Coast-Line Club news-bulletin is improving week by week, thanks to Sailor for organising this so well. Speaking of this good buddy, he appears to be the most a~tive member and the most approachable of the Committee, devoting all his time and energy to organising, doing S.W.R. readings, repairing chickenboxes, setting up big ears, etc . , etc., and even after all .this he still finds time t o modulate with all the breakers which is more than can be ss:id tor the other members. Perhaps at the next Jamboree the Committee might get around to organising the song contest properly. In our opinion it should be broadcast once a week and a small trophy presented to the winner. This would renew interest in the competition. Painted Lady is doing her best and has to be congratulated for her consistency in keeping the show on the road. The motto of th€ Charlie Li ma Club in 'Friendship through radio'. With this mind and Christmas drawing near, we think it would be a good idea to organise a C.B. dance in one of the popular local night-spots. Get-togethers of this kind may be the injection our club needs to renew the flagging interest and apparent lethargy of so many of our breakers, especially the old buddies who seem to have gone off the air altogether. ~e would like the committee to take note of these comments and realize that we are merely offering objective criticism and trying to voice the opinions of the majority of the good buddies we come in contact with. Hot Gossi p We hear Beardie has his r oom fully wallpapered with Q. S.L's . He ' s now seeking planning permi s!lion from the Landlady to star t decor ating another room. Welcome back C,Qarlie 1 s Angel - or is it Michael 1 s L Angel? Reggi e is keepi ng QRt this weather , seatcover trouble·no doubt. ITUATED FAMILY HOTEL Excellent Food & Ac·comodation parties functions Phone DUNGLOE 186 / CoD '"'3"' unbeg Wood Industries INDUSTRIAL ESTATE SHOWROOM 8UNBEG LUXURIOUS FITTED KITCHENS BEDROOMS etc We've had the inflation peril, the uranium peril and b now we have the spaghetti per i H DX' ers are now ;c \---...;P..:h:.:.o.::.:.;n:.:e::.__...;B;;.,U.;;..;;.N..;;..;;;B...;E;..;G::.__:.;:::;_;.;....:;;;;~;;....--....J finding it easier to pick up an Italion breaker than1 ANCIENT GREEN GWEEDORE an Icelander from Butlins ~ ---' -~~~ • All the 73's to you and yours. Farewell, farewell to Donegal and to my parents Kind, •The Big lara.• I now must sail to a foreign land and leave you all ~hind. ----------------------~~~~~~--------' Perhaps I never might visit again this wild rough beaten shore, ~ Or view ¥ith pride the scenery of ancient green Gweedore • • ~ • ..... ut r r "!. • l • .; -t3 ID il .!cS -t3.c 'l'hia IIODUMDt cc•••oratea 3 Loch an Iiiil' ~ t _ __::s.::k.::inh=e:..:ad=:s_w.:.:.h:.:.o::.......:w:..:e.:.:.r.:.:.e_be.:...:..:h.:..:e:..:a:.::d.:.:.ed:.:._in : :.__G_::al:.:.:v:.:.ay~·=---~ ~ Fresh ~ • Fish CARR'S CARNMORE ROAD Dungloe FRUIT VEGETABLES CONFECTIONARY I will sail on the ship Columbia from a place they call Moville, And when I think of that liner grand tey heart with grief does fill • For memory it does recall brave boys who sailed before, Who sleep in unbroken slumber for away from green Gweedore. Oh Ireland, loved Ireland look 1 round the world and see, all the nations round this earth that are unbound and free. While you are gripped by a saxon hand and bound by. a several chain Which does compel brave Irishmen to cross the raging main. But as the shore grows dim to me as by Tory I will sail, I' 11 kneel and pray for rey native land rey own dear Granuail. That soon her exile son's return and live happy as of yore, Amongst the glens and valleys of the lovely shamrock shore. But now that I am landed to the Wild West I will go, Away to Buet, Montanna where the hills are clad with snow• I will leave New York and Brooklyn and friends there by the score, Who like myself are longing to return to Green Gweedore. And when I land on freedom's shore, the republic to the west, My thoughts ;dll fly ac-ross the sea t9 the land I love the best, To my parents who are growing old and the girl I do adore, In a white-washed little cabin in anc i ent Green Gweedore. Still, I hope the day will dawn when t he sun in splendour shines, On exiled children f ar away beneath a f ore i gn clirr:e. With their mother Erin cr~ying I have ~y rights once more It's happy then we wi11 ret urn to anc ient Green Gweecor e . But if all my dreams are shatt ered and rny hof:es t hey .?.r e 'r. vr.:'.n, And if I never mis ht vi s i t old Ir eland ar,ai n. Perhaps I' m not the first of whom it happened ot. bef ore, But to many a brave youne Irish-man from ancient Green C' Meedore. Composed by Charlie Phaid! Bhig, Johnnie Ant6in Jolm, (Hachaire; J 0 h.nnie Thomais Chaitl:ln' (Doire Beaga) They are all dead now.